Skibbereen Chamber is a voluntary, umbrella organisation of local businesses who work together to promote the economic and social development of our community in order to make it a better place in which to live, work & do business!
Why become a member?
The Chamber aims to continually promote the area for businesses both locally and to a wider audience. It provides Members with a voice to influence what should be done on behalf of their business and the town and a central platform to better promote their work, goods and services.
Current Members represent a wide array of businesses including manufacturers, retailers, banks, solicitors, hotels, builders, cafés, estate agents, garages, restaurants, doctors and many more. Chamber Members work together to promote business in the area and to invest in improving the Skibbereen region.
Membership Benefits
Membership entitles members to list their business on - a first port of call for visitors looking to find out about services, activities and destinations in Skibbereen.
Chamber projects for the benefit of members include:
- Securing funding and working with stakeholders and our members to co-ordinate community initiatives such as CCTV installation as well as fundraising for further Christmas Lights and other priority projects.
- Continuing to work in partnership with Fáilte Ireland to retain and further develop Skibbereen Tourist Office which employs local part-time staff and opens for 6 days a week during the busy summer season. Since the Chamber has managed the Skibbereen Tourist Office it has progressed from being open just 5 months to opening for an extended 10 months of the year.
- The Chamber continues to support, promote and co-ordinate community projects, e.g. Christmas Festival, Lights for the town, the St Patrick’s Day Parade and the Skibbereen Walking Festival. It also supports local events including, Skibbereen Arts Festival, West Cork History Festival etc. all of which attract visitors to the area, who are encouraged to stay and are a certain boost to the local economy.
- Development, promotion and co-ordination of Christmas promotions in Skibbereen, ensuring Skibbereen is seen as West Cork’s Christmas Shopping destination of choice along with launching the Skibbereen Town Vouchers scheme.
- Meeting & liaising with the District Councilors to keep Skibbereen and District to the forefront.
Online Presence
The Chamber also co-ordinates Skibbereen-Home Facebook Page (with over 12,500 followers worldwide) and works
together with local groups and initiatives such as Skibbereen Tidy Towns and Ludgate@Skibbereen with the aim of rejuvenating our area into a sustainable rural economy.
Become a Member Today!
Subscriptions are central to the important work of Skibbereen Chamber. If you are considering membership the subscription can be paid either annually or monthly. To become a member:
Download the Membership Form Here
If you have any questions or if you would like to discuss further with a member of the Chamber Board please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]